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Booking Availability
Group/Individual Study Rooms: 4 Hours/Day | Up to 7 Days in advance | Monday - Friday 7:30am - 9:00pm
Meeting Pods: 2 Hours/Day | Up to 3 Days in Advance | Monday - Friday 7:30am - 12:30am
How to Reserve a Space (Video)
Select Start Time on grid
Select End Time beneath grid:
3. Check your e-mail and confirm room reservation within 1 hour (unconfirmed bookings are cancelled by system)
If you have difficulty reserving a space, need help booking a space for a residency interview, or have a general question, Submit an Inquiry or contact the Circulation Services Desk at (212) 241-7791.
- Advance Booking: 3 Days
- Maximum Time: 2 Hours
- Limit 2 Bookings per Week
Your Booking