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Preparing your data and code for computationally reproducible publication: A hands-on workshop for researchers

Preparing your data and code for computationally reproducible publication: A hands-on workshop for researchers

Computational analyses are playing an increasingly central role in research. Journals, funders, and other researchers are calling for published research to include associated data and code. However, many researchers have not received training in best practices and tools for sharing code and data. This is a step-by-step, practical workshop to prepare research code and data for computationally reproducible publication.

The workshop starts with some brief introductory information about computational reproducibility, but the bulk of the workshop is guided work with code and data. We cover the basic best practices for publishing code and data.

Participants move through organizing their files, creating a codebook, preparing their code for reuse, documentation, and submitting their code and data to share using Code Ocean.

Wednesday, February 6th, 2019
10:00am - 12:00pm
Registration has closed.

About the Speaker: April Clyburne-Sherin : "April is an epidemiologist, methodologist, and expert in open science tools, methods, training, and community stewardship. She holds an MS in Population Medicine (Epidemiology). Since 2014, she has focussed on creating curriculum and running workshops for scientists in open and reproducible research methods and is co-author of FOSTER’s Open Science Training Handbook. She is currently the Director of Scientific Outreach for the reproducibility platform Code Ocean."

Workshop Organizer

Kerry McKee