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CLC Genomics Workbench

Overview of Application, Importing NGS read data, QC & Pre-processing

•De novo assembly – Genomes & Transcriptomes. Characterizing Contigs, Joining & Finishing
•Mapping/Alignment to Reference, Variant Calling, Annotation & Filtering
•RNA Seq Analysis Workflow & Tools
•Overview of Microbial Modules (Finishing & Microbial Genomics)

CLC Biomedical Workbench & Ingenuity Variant Analysis

•Prebuilt intuitive pipeline for your human DNA-seq data that allows you to quickly go from reads or called variants to identifying and prioritizing the casual variants.

Related LibGuide: Bioinformatics Resources by Gloria Willson

Monday, May 9th, 2016
1:30pm - 3:30pm
Levy Library Large Computer Lab (ANBG11-41)
Registration has closed.

Workshop Organizer

Kerry McKee